Hello everyone, and shana tova to you all. this year was full of surprises and vaccines. it was misterious and during this year i was lead by my instincts and creativity to some of my very best achievements yet. this year was about doing it online, along real life gigs, it was about making a online music show, and building this website. I came to life in a different reality, the online world.
it was an inspirational year for me, re inventing my style and using my talent in different scopes of music, technology, communication, and people skills.
this year was the year of this blog, and it was about going to adventures like my gigs with avir, my weekly visits to Adamit to work with Pil Basira, basking the streets of tel Aviv, making a multistreamed weekly live music show, and a bunch of nice beats, jams and songs out of it, which will be released next jewish year.
This year was my year of getting free from ideas and constrains about my well being and my way of life, as a concequence, I gained a lot of confidence as an artist and a music creator. I no longer try to empress anybody, I just realize my dreams and live the best life I can.
Next year will be a good year, it will be about releasing new releases, making great music, being more kind, thoughtful and grateful for what I Got, and for this wonderful, long and winding road.
Next year will be about going live, making wonderful live music. it will begin with a new release coming out September 17th. this mix tape - album, contains 10 tracks made on my live stream music show "shlishi Be'Shmone" tuesday @ 20:00. here you can see the album cover

Shlishi Be'shmone. Photo By: Tlashworck Senvetu
Next year will be about sharpening my live show, implementing all the skills i Acquired during this passiing year. I am going to make a different kind of live performance. it will be analog and digital, with original music and full of my perspectives.
Next year will be about keeping it fresh, real and authentic.
I wish us all a nice and blessed new jewish year, Peace freedom of mind, creativity, excitement, meeting interesting people, good music and movement at your exact pace.
There is more to come, ofcourse.
Thanks for reading, watching and listening to my stuff.
til next time. next year